Goodies Tour Merchandise
In early 2005 The Goodies launched their first ever live stage show at The Big Laugh Comedy Festival in Sydney, Australia. The Festival teamed withPlaybill Merchandising to produce a line of merchandise to be sold in conjunction with the tour. Each product bore the notice "Licensed by BBC Worldwide and The Big Laugh Comedy Festival Sydney. Reproduced with the permission of Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Bill Oddie."
In early 2005 The Goodies launched their first ever live stage show at The Big Laugh Comedy Festival in Sydney, Australia. The Festival teamed withPlaybill Merchandising to produce a line of merchandise to be sold in conjunction with the tour. Each product bore the notice "Licensed by BBC Worldwide and The Big Laugh Comedy Festival Sydney. Reproduced with the permission of Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Bill Oddie."
The initial line of tour merchandise consisted of t-shirts, caps, pins, magnets, and key rings which made use of the Goodies logo as well as publicity photos of the Goodies on their trandem, sitting on a park bench, and striking a Funky Gibbon pose. These items, as well as the two Australian Goodies DVDs available at that time (The Goodies - 8 Delicious Episodes & The Goodies - A Tasty Second Helping), were sold at the show venues, at ABC Shops nationwide, and via Playbill Merchandising's website. Tour programs were available at the shows and from Playbill's website.
In addition to the items from Playbill, a company named Annabel Trends produced four licensed Goodies items - two different aprons, an oven mitt, and a pot holder. These also made use of the Goodies on the bench and the Funky Gibbon images. The Annabel Trends merchandise was sold at the ABC Shops, although it did not become available until towards the end of the tour.

hang tag for Goodies tour merchandise
(Also included on this page are the programs from the I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue Stage Tour and Bill Oddie's An Oldie but a Goodie tour).

Goodies tour merchandise on sale in ABC Shops, Australia (March 2005)
T-SHIRTS & CAP (Australia & the UK)
The red & khaki t-shirts were part of the initial line of Goodies tour merchandise. They were available for both Australian tours, as was the navy blue Goodies cap.
Added for the second tour were the ladies black tee and the two-sided yellow shirt. The yellow shirt's design was inspired by the line of t-shirts available from The Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club (the fan club was the official website for the tours).
The merchandise line for the UK leg of the Goodies tour included the khaki & yellow t-shirts and the cap.

red t-shirt

khaki t-shirt

yellow t-shirt front & back


ladies black tee
PINS, MAGNETS, & KEY RINGS (Australia only)
The line of Goodies merchandise available for both Australian tours included 3 pins, 2 magnets, and 2 key rings. These were sold at the shows, in the ABC Shops, and from Playbill Merchandising's website.
The pins were metal with tie tack fasteners. The designs were The Goodies on their trandem, The Goodies logo, and The Goodies striking a Funky Gibbon pose.
One of the magnets was metal and also used the Funky Gibbon photo design. The second magnet was plastic and bore the phrase "Goodie Goodie Yum Yum".
Both key rings were metal. The first had "The Goodies" logo on the front and the words "Anything, Anytime" on the back. The second key ring used the bench photo seen on the cover of the first Goodies DVD.


key rings
COFFEE MUG (Australia only)
The Goodies mug became available in Australia starting with the second leg of the tour. It was sold at the shows, in the ABC Shops, and from Playbill Merchandising's website. The mug was blue with gold lettering. One side had a large "G" in the Goodies font, inside of which was written the name of the tour ("Still Alive on Stage"). The other side had The Goodies logo and the phrase "Goody Goody yum yum!"

front of mug

back of mug
APRONS, OVEN MIT, & POT HOLDER (Australia only)
In addition to the items from Playbill, a company named Annabel Trends produced four licensed Goodies items - two different aprons, an oven mitt, and a pot holder. These also
made use of the Goodies on the bench and the Funky Gibbon images. The Annabel Trends merchandise was sold at the ABC Shops, although it did not become available until towards the end of the tour.
Annabel Trends' Goodies merchandise consisted of 2 aprons, an oven mitt, and a pot holder; their black & white images sported green highlights. The first design, used for one of the aprons plus the pot holder, had the bench design and the words "Anything Anytime Anywhere". The second design used the Funky Gibbon image and the phrase "Goodie Goodie Yum Yum"

oven mitt

pot holder

PROGRAMS (Australia & The UK)
Three different versions of the tour program were produced, although most of the primary content remained the same. This included letters to the fans from The Goodies and Big Laugh Comedy Festival Director John Pinder, photos, and excerpts from the book The Goodies File. Both Australian versions also included new bits of comedy in the form of letters supposedly exchanged between the Goodies and Australian Customs concerning importing the trandem into the country.
The differences between the first and second Australian program included alterations to the cover (to reflect Bill's virtual, instead of in-person, appearance), the addition of local advertisements, and updated production credits.
The UK version saw similar changes (an updated cover & credits, plus the removal of the Australian advertisements). In addition, the formerly blank back cover now showed artwork used for 4 pins & stickers distributed at the stage show's UK premiere (a month-long run at the 2006 Edinburgh Fringe Festival). For the UK edition, Graeme also re-wrote the mock letters so that, instead of them being an exchange with Australian Customs, the letters now argued the case for the Goodies bringing the trandem back to its home country.

program from 1st Australian tour

program from 2nd Australian tour

program from UK tour
(UK only)

program 1st ISIHAC tour
Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden were regular panelists on the hugely popular BBC Radio 4 Show I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue. In 2007 the cast began to tour in a "greatest hits" version of the show (the tour dates can be found on the ISIHAC Stage Tour page of this guide).
Seen here are souvenir programmes from the I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue tours. The first programme was sold at the shows in 2007 & 2008 and included the cast of Humphrey Lyttelton, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Barry Cryer, Graeme Garden, Jeremy Hardy, & Colin Sell. The second version was first sold at the 2009 tours in which Jack Dee had become the new chairman.

program 2nd ISIHAC tour
Bill Oddie - An Oldie but a Goodie Tour Merchandise

Bill Oddie returned to Australia in 2013 for a short tour entitled "Bill Oddie - An Oldie but a Goodie" which consisted of five shows from 20-27 June (in which he reminisced about his complete career to date, including his comedy career along with his work in wildlife/nature programs). A small line of merchandise was produced for the tour; fans attending the shows could also pay to get an autographed photo with Bill or for Bill to sign a piece of merchandise or memorabilia.
Some merchandise is still available from the tour's official website.
Merchandise included a program, a DVD of the live show (the covers were available to be autographed at the shows, with the DVDs mailed to purchasers after the end of the tour), an actual tube of Lemon Sherbet (like Bill used to enjoy during The Goodies), and a plastic "red ripe squirter" of the type used during the Bunfight at the OK Tearooms episode, and a cartoon drawing of The Goodies on their trandem.