The Goodies Books
Books written by or about The Goodies. Includes reference works about the series plus a few other related books.
The Goodies Annual 1974
Published by World Distributors
Copyright 1972 by Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor, and Bill Oddie
ISBN: 7235 0221 8
While the Goodies were given the copyright for this book they didn’t actually write it. The cover of this annual says it is “based on the hilariously funny television series”. It contains Goodies stories, comics, puzzles plus lots of photos.

The Goodies Book of Criminal Records
By Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden & Bill Oddie
Hardcover Edition
Published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson on 27 September 1975
ISBN: 0-297-77027-6
Paperback Edition
Published by Sphere Books on 23 September 1976
ISBN: 0 7221 3960 8
96 pages
In their second book, the Goodies are supposedly suing the publisher of The Goodies File. The book opens with a letter from the Goodies’ lawyer saying, “…On my clients behalf, I must make it plain to you that they were distressed and embarrassed by the publication of scurrilous material, allof which is forged, and in any case they meant to burn it all before anyone got their hands on it.” However, in order to win their case the Goodies need to prove that each of the various charges

hardcover edition

paperback edition
against them are indeed false - that “evidence” is the substance of another very funny book.
As was the case with The Goodies File, the actual publisher’s name is used throughout the book. It is changed from Weidenfeld & Nicholson in the hardcover edition to Sphere Books in the paperback edition.
The Goodies File
By Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden & Bill Oddie
Hardcover Edition
Published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson on 19 October 1974
ISBN: 0-297-76816-6
Paperback Edition ("El Cheapo Edition")
Originally published by Sphere Books on 11 September 1975
ISBN: 0 7221 1886 4
96 pages
The premise of The Goodies File is that it is a compilation of evidence gathered by Mrs. Edna Tole, one-time employee of the Goodies, who was seeking to expose them and, in the process, “make a million pounds”. Among the humorous contents are a series of letters between Mrs. Tole and the book's publisher. The real-life publishing company's name was used; this was changed from Weidenfeld & Nicholson in the hardcover edition to Sphere Books in the paperback edition.

hardcover edition

paperback edition
The cover of paperback edition has “El Cheapo Edition” written in the upper left-hand corner.
The Making of The Goodies’ Disaster Movie
By Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden & Bill Oddie
Hardcover Edition
Published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson on 15 October 1977
ISBN: 0-297-77338-0
96 pages
Also published by St. Martin’s Press (New York, New York, USA) in 1978
96 pages
Paperback Edition
ISBN: 0 7221 18805 Published by Sphere Books on 28 September 1978
The third humorous book written by The Goodies tells the fictional story of their attempt to make a movie.

hardcover edition

paperback edition
The Goodies Still Alive on Stage – The (Un)official Souvenir Program

First Australian Tour Programme

Seoond Australian Tour Progrmme

UK Tour Programme
Published by Playbill Proprietary Limited / Showbill Proprietary Limited. Copyright 2005
26 pages
This program initially was created for the Goodies' live shows in Australia in March 2005 (which were part of Sydney's Big Laugh Comedy Festival). The program contains letters to the fans from The Goodies and Big Laugh Comedy Festival Director John Pinder, new bits of comedy in the form of letters supposedly exchanged between the Goodies and Australian Customs about importing the trandem, photos, ads for the Goodies DVDs, and excerpts from The Goodies File. There are also ads for the Big Laugh Comedy Festival plus some unrelated products.
The souvenir program was sold at all the Goodies shows for A$15 (along with other tour merchandise such as t-shirts, keyrings, and pins). Thereafter it was available for sale directly from Playbill’s website (
The differences between the first and second Australian program included alterations to the cover (to reflect Bill\'s virtual, instead of in person, appearance), the addition of local advertisements, and updated production credits.
The UK version saw similar changes (an updated cover & credits, plus the removal of the Australian advertisements). In addition, the formerly blank back cover now showed artwork used for 4 pins & stickers distributed at the stage show's UK premiere (a month-long run at the 2006 Edinburgh Fringe Festival). For the UK edition, Graeme also re-wrote the mock letters so that, instead of them being an exchange with Australian Customs, the letters now argued the case for the Goodies bringing the trandem back to its home country.
COR!! Comics (6th January, 1973 to 29th December, 1973)
Published by IPC Magazines Ltd.
Each issue of the 1973 run of the weekly comic COR!! included a multi-page adventure featuring The Goodies. While the stories and artwork were not created by the Goodies themselves the comics are copyrighted to Bill Oddie,

Tim Brooke-Taylor, and Graeme Garden.
The Goodies were featured on the covers of a few issues in this run (the first of which is shown here - the other covers can be seen on this site's Magazines page). In addition, many covers bore a banner saying either 'Goody-Goody! TV Stars "The Goodies" Appear Inside' or 'Laugh with TV Stars The Goodies - Inside!'
A Goodies comic also appears in the COR!! Annual 1974 (see next entry). In addition, an illustration from COR!! is used on the cover of one of the Goodies Fun Books shown below (not surprisingly, as they were also published by IPC Magazines).
The Goodies can also be seen holding copies of COR!! on the back cover of the album The Goodies Sing Songs from The Goodies. For the trivia fans, the issue dated 25th August 1973 is seen at least twice. Bill is holding a copy of COR!! in one of the photos but I can't see the cover well enough to determine whether or not it is this same issue or another one.

(Many thanks to Linda Kay for providing information about the COR!! Comics)
The Goodies Fun Book
Published by Cadbury Limited (conceived by Marketing Solutions Limited)
Copyright IPC Magazines Limited and The Goodies 1977
50 pages
This book is similar to COR!! Comics. In fact, it reuses Goodies comics that appeared in COR!! in 1973. This book also includes comics featuring other

characters as well as puzzles (some of which are Goodies themed).
Both this book and the one shown in the next entry were Cadbury mail away items. As shown in the offer below, which originally appeared in a 1977 comic, fans had to save 10 wrappers from Cadbury bars (a choice of Curlywurly, Freddo, Fudge Buttons, Furry Friends, Paddington Bear, Small Crunchie, Small Flake, and The Wombles) and mail them in the with coupon. Fans had the option of choosing this book, intended for ages 9-13, or the one shown in the next entry which was geared for ages 5-8.

I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again - The Classic Scripts
By Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie
Published by Javelin Books - 14 November 1985
ISBN: 0-7137-1759-9
128 pages
This book contains scripts from I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again, the 1964-1973 radio

series featuring Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, Graeme Garden, David Hatch, Jo Kendall, and Bill Oddie. Included are four complete ISIRTA scripts (Laurence of the Antarctic – on Ice, Jack the Ripper, St*r Trek, and Search for the Nile) plus “a Prune Playhouse Proudly Presents – Dr Zhivago and his wonderful lamp”.
Also included are illustrations by Graeme Garden.
COR!! Annual 1974
Published by IPC Magazines Ltd.
Copyright 1973
ISBN 85037-055-8
159 pages
A hardback annual containing comics & puzzles from COR!! Comics. This edition includes a four-page Goodies comic on pages 86-89.

The Goodies Fun Book
Published by Cadbury Limited (conceived by Marketing Solutions Limited)
Copyright IPC Magazines Limited and The Goodies 1977
50 pages
Although this has the same title and copyright date as the other Goodies Fun Book (seen in the previous entry) the contents are different. This book was geared towards

younger children. It contains a few Goodies comics reprinted from the 1973 run of COR!!, but the other included comics are of a much simplier and gentler style. This book also has some simple and colourful puzzles (some of which are Goodies-themed).
Both this book and the previous one were Cadbury mail-away promotional items. An offer from a 1977 comic, seen at the bottom of the previous entry, shows that fans had to save 10 wrappers from Cadbury bars (a choice of Curlywurly, Freddo, Fudge Buttons, Furry Friends, Paddington Bear, Small Crunchie, Small Flake, and The Wombles) and mail them in the with coupon. Fans had the option of choosing this book, intended for ages 5-8, or the one shown in the previous entry which was geared for ages 9-13.
Goodies Reference Works
The Goodies Episode Summaries
by Brett Allender
Copyright 2001 (3rd Edition) by Brett Allender
175 pages
A Goodies reference book compiled by Brett Allender, Editor of The Goodies Rule-OK! Fan Club’s monthly newsletter (The Clarion & Globe).
This book contains summaries

of every episode of The Goodies. Each summary includes plot details, classic quotes & scenes, a list of the guest stars and mock advertisements in the episode, and a score using Brett’s “Black Pudding Rating System”.
Episode Summaries also includes indexes of guest stars, songs used in the episodes, and mock advertisements.
Brett has made an updated version of the summaries available on The Official Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club website; these include the addition of many color screen shots from the episodes.
From Fringe to Flying Circus
By Roger Wilmut
Hardcover Edition
Published by Methuen - 2 October 1980
ISBN: 0413469506
264 pages
Paperback Edition
Published 8 July 1982
ISBN: 041350770X
264 pages.

An excellent reference on British comedy from 1960-1980 which includes sections on The Goodies as well as Cambridge Circus and I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again.
The Goodies Rule OK
By Robert Ross, with contributions from Bill Oddie, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor
Published by Carlton Books - 2 October 2006
ISBN: 1-84442-152-X
192 pages
Robert Ross's second book about our favorite trio is a

photo-filled telling of the Goodies story.
(Note that, despite the similar names, this book was not produced by The Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club.)
The Goodies: Super Chaps Three
By Andrew Pixley
Published by Kaleidoscope Publishing - 8 November 2010
ISBN: 978-1-900203-40-1
602 pages
Andrew Pixley's extensively researched book about The Goodies. From the

Kaleidoscope Publishing website: "Written by acclaimed archive television historian and Goodies expert Andrew Pixley this is undoubtedly the definitive look at the production of this classic comedy series. Over ten years in the making, this whopping 600+ page book covers every single aspect of the series’ production as well as lengthy looks at Broaden Your Mind, I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue and other related programmes"
In the UK the book can be ordered from the publisher( or Network DVD (
Outside of the UK, the book can be ordered from print-on-demand service ( Lulu has partners in a number of countries around the world and they arrange to have books printed in the country to which they'll be shipped to reduce postage costs.
The Goodies Book of Criminal Recordings
By Andrew Pixley
Published by Network Books (Item # 7954972) 2018
ISBN: 978-099297644
350 pages
Originally released as part of the A Binge of Goodies limited edition set. Subsequently sold separately.

From the official product description: "An episode-by-episode analysis of the entire Goodies output, including their ITV series and an index covering commercial recordings and other endeavours. Written by archive television historian Andrew Pixley."
By Matthew K.Sharp
Copyright 1997
25 pages
This reference book contains a complete Goodies episode guide as well as a Goodies discography, bibliography, and video listing. There are also biographies of each of the three Goodies plus a list of some of their solo works.

In addition, the Fact File has articles on the Goodies-related shows Broaden Your Mind, I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again, and I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue.
The Goodies Fact File
The Complete Goodies
By Robert Ross
Published by B T Batsford - 31 May 2000
ISBN 0713485752
288 pages
This reference book is set up in encyclopedia-like format, with alphabetically ordered entries attempting to cover all facets of the Goodies' professional careers. The back cover

promises “Each and every contribution of the three Goodies, together and apart, is credited, reviewed, and discussed”. While the book doesn’t quite live up to this lofty goal it is still a great resource for Goodies fans.
The book includes many rare photographs and even a few illustrations drawn by Graeme Garde
The Goodies The Complete Companion
By Robert Ross, with contributions from Bill Oddie, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor
Published by Sevenoaks - 2006
ISBN: 1-86200-402-1
192 pages
A repackaged version of The Goodies Rule OK, seen in the previous entry. The contents of

The Complete Companion are identical to The Goodies Rule OK other than the title, cover artwork, and ISBN number (even the title page says "The Goodies Rule OK").
As of December 2006, The Complete Companion had only appeared on sale at a UK chain called The Works, priced substantially below the suggested retail price of The Goodies Rule OK.
The Goodies DVD File
By Andrew Pixley
Published by Network Books (Item # 7954971) 2018
ISBN: 978-0992976637
500 pages
Originally released as part of the A Binge of Goodies limited edition set. Subsequently sold separately.

From the official product description: "An overview of Graeme, Bill and Tim's careers, beginning at Cambridge and working through to the post-Goodies era, bringing the story right up to date. Written by archive television historian Andrew Pixley."
Related Works
Three Men on a Bike
Author: Rory Spowers, with a foreword by Bill Oddie
Published by Canongate Books Ltd in October 1995
ISBN: 086241542X
184 pages
Somehow it seems in keeping with the spirit of The Goodies that after the show ceased production their bike

had an adventure of its own. In 1988 Rory Spowers and several friends decided to ride the Goodies trandem (which Rory’s brother had purchased several years earlier from an auction of BBC props) across Africa for charity. This book chronicles their journey
The Goodies and Some Untold Kaper's Art Show! - The Complete Collection
By Jenny Doyle
Published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform - 29 May 2013
ISBN: 9781484987285
36 pages

Artwork by Goodies fan Jenny Doyle, originally presented in
her "The Goodies and Some Untold Kapers Art Show" exhibitions (
From the official product description: "The Goodies And Some Untold Kaper's Art Show presents a celebration of The hit comedy show The Goodies. Featuring cartoon images produced by Jenny Doyle. Relive the 'Funky Gibbon' and the world of 'Ecky-Thump!' With tributes to episodes and The wacky talents of Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie and Graeme Garden. This book is the complete collection of art work featured in the touring exhibition."