Books from I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
Tie-in books related to the radio series I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue and it's spin-off, Hamish & Dougal: You'll Have Had Your Tea which featured Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Barry Cryer, Humphrey Lyttelton, Colin Sell, Jack Dee, and many guest panelists.
I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue
Authors: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Barry Cryer, Graeme Garden, Humphrey Lyttelton, and William Rushton
Hardcover Edition
Published by Robson Books Ltd in 1980
ISBN: 0860511081
128 pages
Paperback Edition
Published by Unwin Paperbacks in 1981
ISBN: 0048270474
128 pages
A collection of highlights from the radio show including rounds such as Tag Wrestling, Sound Charades, Balls, Good News/Bad News, and Mornington Crescent.

hardcover edition

paperback edition
The Almost Totally Complete I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
Authors: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Barry Cryer, Willie Rushton, Graeme Garden and Humphrey Lyttelton. “Funny Bits written by Iain Pattinson”.
Published by Orion Books Ltd on November 18, 1999
ISBN: 0752811844
128 pages

Another collection of material from the radio show.
Stovold's Mornington Crescent Almanac
Author: Graeme Garden
Hardcover Edition
Published by Orion on October 18, 2001
ISBN: 0752847295
112 pages
Paperback Edition
Published by Orion Mass Market Paperback on November 4, 2002
ISBN: 0752848151
112 pages

Another book devoted to the Mornington Crescent, one of the most popular rounds from the radio show I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue. Topics covered in this volume include Mornington Crescent facts and figures, profiles of great players, 2002 horoscopes, a complete listing of London Tube stations (A-B), reviews of books of interest to Mornington Crescent enthusiasts, annual rule changes and much more.
The New Uxbridge English Dictionary
Author: Jon Naismith
Published by HarperCollins Entertainment on May 6, 2008
ISBN: 0007263937
144 pages
Lyttelton's Britain
(A User's Guide to the British Isles as heard on BBC Radio's I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue)
Author: Iain Pattinson
Published by Preface Publishing on October 9, 2008
ISBN: 978 1848 091078
224 pages
The following text comes from the book's back cover:

"The I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue team of Barry Cryer, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor, in the company of their esteemed chairman Humphrey Lyttelton, have been recording their BBC radio show around the UK for longer than any of them can remember ... that\'s about week - or twenty minutes in the case of Barry Cryer. At each venue Humph would present a short history of the location, written by Iain Pattinson, to the mutual delight of the audience, the team and their delightful scorer Samantha (who somehow always found time for a rewarding poke in the area's backstreets). We are privileged to present, in gazetteer form, the very best of Humph's local histories from Radio 4's multi award-winning `antidote to panel games'. As accurate as Wikipedia and as comprehensive as Reader's Digest, this unique guide tells you everything you never knew you wouldn't ever need to know about the background and inhabitants of Britain\'s most prominent towns and cities.
The intelligent reader will waste no time in adding it to their collection.
It was from Bristol in 1497 that John Cabot set off to find a new route to the Spice Islands by sailing north-west. He instead discovered a strange, hostile world which he named `Newfoundland', until the natives explained that they actually called it `Swansea'.
It's well documented in official records that the city's original name was `Snottingham' or `home of Snotts', but when the Normans came, they couldn't pronounce the initial letter `S', so decreed the town be called `Nottingham' or the `home of Notts'. It's easy to understand why this change was resisted so fiercely by the people of Scunthorpe.
A settlement is first recorded in Brighton as long as ago as 3000 BC, when Celtic Druids practised their ancient worship of oaks, mistletoe and virgins, and indeed, oaks and mistletoe are still plentiful in Brighton."
I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue: The Official Limerick Collection
Authors: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Barry Cryer,Graeme Garden, Willie Rushton, andHumphrey Lyttelton (Introduction)
Hardcover Edition
Published by Orion on October 1, 1998
ISBN: 0752817752
112 pages

Paperback Edition
Published by Orion Mass Market Paperback on September 2, 1999
ISBN: 0752826808
Paperback 126 pages
This book, which was published to mark the 25th anniversary of the radio show I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue, features the pick of the popular limerick round.
The Little Book of Mornington Crescent
Authors: Graeme Garden, Jon Naismith & Iain Pattinson not to mention Tim Brooke-Taylor, Barry Cryer & Humphrey Lyttelton
Hardcover Edition
Published by Orion on October 19, 2000
ISBN: 0752818643
112 pages

Paperback Edition
Published by Orion Mass Market Paperback on September 6, 2001
ISBN: 0752844229
208 pages
This book is a tie-in with the long-running radio show I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue which focuses on the popular game Mornington Crescent. The book is best described by this excerpt from its dust jacket: "In the latest edition of this soon to be out-of-print book, devotees Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Barry Cryer and Grand Master Humphrey Lyttelton review the distinguished history of the game from Roman times to Chaucer and beyond. It includes biographies of the game's great exponents, tips on some of the finer points of play, a thorough glossary of terms and a selection of mouthwatering recipes." In addition, it contains a very funny index.
The Uxbridge English Dictionary
Author: Jon Naismith
Published by HarperCollins Entertainment on April 18, 2005
ISBN: 0007203373
144 pages

The Doings of Hamish and Dougal: You'll Have Had Your Tea?
Authors: Graeme Garden & Barry Cryer
Published by Preface Publishing on August 28, 2008
ISBN: 978 1848 090231
280 pages
The complete collection of scripts from BBC Radio 4's Hamish & Dougal: You'll

Have Had Your Tea including all three series, the Hogmanay Special, and the Burns Night special.
In addition to the scripts, the book contains more delights from the world of Hamish & Dougal, including recipes from Mrs. Naughtie, "Folk o' the Glen" by the Laird, features such as "oot and Aboot", "Glimpses o' the Glen (a pictorial record of all the major events in the Glen), "Highland Fun and Games", and more.
I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue: The Best of Forty Years
Published by Preface Publishing on October 4, 2012
ISBN: 978 1848 093928
288 pages
A compilation of some of the best bits of the radio show I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue from its 40 years of broadcasts on BBC Radio 4.